Designing for flexibility

When building a new software product, founders are typically laser-focussed on building a product that meets their immediate business needs for launch. With limited time and money to bring a product to market, that’s wise. Just be aware that too tight a focus often leads to rigid software & systems and can cause significant pain after launch.

The high level characteristics of a software system, such as its flexibility, scalability and stability become increasingly hard to change as the system is developed. They’re hard to retrofit, so it’s important to think about what’s important up front, and plan for it.

Yes, building to flex, grow, scale and be reliable will take more effort up front. But the up front effort pales in comparison to the effort to achieve the same once the system is developed.

If you’re building a tech business, you need a product that will grow with you & let you achieve your business goals.

Pixiotix specialises in working with founders to make pragmatic system, software and database architectural and design decisions that will give you a clear path forward to an awesome product. Check out the site & get in touch to see how we can help.

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